Saving your ass is easier than you think.

10 03 2009

Over the past weekend we all moved our clocks forward an hour like good little daylight savings time soldiers. One of the things that is pounded into our heads when we spring ahead (or fall back for that matter) is the importance of changing the batteries in our smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms.

In addition to changing your batteries there are other things you could and should be doing to keep your family safe in the event of a house fire.

Some suggestions from Captain Kathfucious:

  1. Ensure you have smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors in all the right places.  TEST THEM!
  2. Purchase fire blankets to store under beds.
  3. Put a ladder in the closet of all second floor rooms.  PRACTICE USING IT!
  4. Purchase fire extinguishers.  PRACTICE USING THEM!
  5. Practice your escape plan.

This week Kathfucious says: CHANGE THOSE BATTERIES!

What else are you going to do to keep you and yours safe in the event of a fire?



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